My husband Robert makes the perfect s'more. Two divinely toasted marshmallows -- their outsides patiently warmed to a sugary light brown candy crust, their insides warm and gooey in just the perfect way. He places them atop three little sections of Hershey's milk chocolate and sandwiches it all between two gluten-free graham crackers, serving it up on a dessert plate.
Sometimes, it's the little things that pleasantly startle us back into consciousness -- into appreciating our lives and all its wonders. I can't toast a marshmallow; I burn them. It's not that I'm not patient enough (though that's part of it); it's that I don't have depth perception, so I either get too close to the fire (and set my shmallows ablaze) or stay too far away (and get frustrated when they are still cool and raw five minutes later). So, for the perfect s'more, I need Robert.
I don't suspect that Robert knows how much I love it when he makes me a s'more (over a fire pit in the backyard or, more commonly, over the flame of our kitchen stove). To him, it's probably just a little cooking task. But for me, it's pure love. He's patient and attentive in his work, and the end product isn't just a yummy dessert. It take me back to childhood, remembering Girl Scout campfires. It's a warm, gooey treat that I get to eat with my hands. And it's somehow more enjoyable than any fancy flourless chocolate cake that could be served up by an accomplished pastry chef at a Zagat-rated restuarant.
It's Memorial Day weekend, and I've decided to take time to cherish all the little things. Here's just a sampling of the things that have brought me wonder and delight these past two days:
- An impromptu lunch with an old friend yesterday
- Organizing my piles of paperwork at the office and leaving with a sense of accomplishment
- Petting my dogs this morning, whose fur was warmed by the sunshine coming through the windows
- A pleasant 30-second interaction yesterday with a man in line at Target, who dropped a penny that I retrieved from under my cart
- The realization when I woke this morning that there will be one more day off before the work week begins
- Musing about something cute to wear to a family picnic this afternoon
- Making plans to attend a Memorial Day service at the Kenosha Harbor tomorrow -- a little gesture for the huge sacrifices that have been made in the name of freedom
You might not like s'mores, but I'm guessing there is something small and pure and sweet that reminds you how to live in the moment. I encourage you to find it, and build it back into your life, deliberately and with zeal. What little thing will you appreciate today?